Friday, April 30, 2010

Welcome to Crazy Town...

Hello everyone! This is my first ever post for my Kaplan class. I guess to get started I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Caroline, I just turned thirty this year and the curse of my mexican side has happened (everyone women on my mom's side has this curse). My metabolism has stopped working. I was told about this curse when I was younger and my aunts would watch me eat everything under the moon and not gain a pound. They would all tell me, "Just wait until you reach thirty, the weight won't come off. It happened to me." Of course being a youngin' I didn't believe them, but now I sure do. I have tried everything under the sun to drop those unwanted, unsightly middle fat. I have succeded a couple of times but the weight just happens to find me while I'm sleeping. I'm sure most of us have this problem. Wow, I completely went off my train of thought. I was supposed to be talking about my family and such.
Anyways, I have two sons (3 and 8), my husband, five cats (just acquired two kittens), a dog, a turtle, and live in a small rectangle box (manufactured home). It was a nice starter house but I didn't realize that my family would grow, this is why you don't let a pregnant women make any important decisions like housing ;). We barely know what we want to eat when we are pregnant let alone know where to live. But I digress again. My house is usually calm while my oldest and husband are gone during the day. My youngest and I usually shoot zombies for a while and then I do housework and homework. When everyone is here (hate rainy days) there is chaos. You may hear screaming and gunshots when you walk up to the door, but don't worry it's just one or all of them playing some war game. I try to break free once in awhile but they ask where I'm going and hop in the car before I answer. If I had a nickel for every time I hear, "MOM!!! He won't..." I would be so rich. And if I had a dollar for every time I hear, "WHERE Did You put...?" I could bail all of us out of this recession.
Well, there you go. A little about myself, a little about my family, and a lot of information that I'm sure most, if not all, could relate to. Until next time...