Tuesday, June 22, 2010

this is it....

Well folks...it's almost time to say good-bye. I have enjoyed helping everyone with their papers. It was a real mind blower how much you guys have said I helped in seminar. It is always so easy to help someone else then it is to figure things out on your own. I will definately use some of the techniques I learned in Comp II. Especially the post draft outline, it proved to be really helpful. I was a little anxious about writing an essay that was longer than a few pages but I got through it and feel great knowing that I accomplished the project. Now I just have to get through two more final exams and then I'm off for a few weeks before starting a new term. I am proud of the fact that I am almost done with my classes and hopefully soon will graduate. Even with all the distractions I seemed to have had this term, I have finished and am better for it. Good luck to all and have a great summer!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Final Paper due, already?

I am shocked that it is already time for the final paper to be turned in. I am a little nervous about finishing it on time. My weeks have been so busy. First last week I got the stomach bug, the next day my oldest got it. I took him to the doctor because he said he felt so sick, so he got a prescription that made it even worse. He couldn't hold it down. Then last night I took him to the emergency room because my husband was scared he was still having an allergic reaction. Turns out my son is not dehydrated (which I was worried about), nor is he having an allergic reaction to the medication...he caught another virus while being sick. He had a fever last night and today but is more active than he has been for a week. Now, my youngest has caught the stomach bug. Poor thing, he's three and doesn't understand what is going on. He just finally got potty trained and he cried when he didn't make it to the potty in time. He thought he would get in trouble. So now I have to finish writing my paper (wondering how I'm gonna make it longer) and study for final exams in my other two classes. I really hope that when I get a chance to just sit and write (with no distractions) that it will flow and meet the requirements. I am ready for that feeling of relief when I finish and turn in my paper. I learned a lot from this class and hope that I will remember it when I write papers for my future classes. Good luck to all!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blog, blog, blog...

I really don't know if I like writing blogs. Yes, it did help with relieving some stress but then at times when life was crazy, it caused stress having to sit down and write when all I wanted to do was go to bed. I enjoyed reading other people's blogs. It gave me some insight on what and how others live. Blogging gave us all the opportunity to get to know each other a little better, something you miss out on when you go to online school. Unlike highschool and college we had no cliques and it was easy to get along with one another. I honestly don't know where I am going with this, my brain is in a fog. Both my oldest and I have caught some kind of stomach bug and I just want to go to bed but alas, I am the caretaker of this wonderful kingdom and I cannot let my duties go. I still have a class tonight, typing homework to finish, stuff to get ready for work tomorrow, and litter that needs to be changed. This all will take me at least two hours to finish but even then it's too early to put the little one to bed. The sun will still be shining and he let's me know that it's not night time. I just hope I can make it...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What did you say about me?!

I enjoy it when I get a review from one of my fellow peers. I like hearing feedback and getting advice. There are times when my brain just doesn't want to function and reading someones advice on how to advance my essay helps out a lot. The juices get flowing as I determine whether or not the person could have a point or they just don't know what they are talking about. Every time I ask for help on an essay from either classmates or friends, I have gotten a lot of positive and negative feedback. Some may like my introductions, some may hate my thesis statement, but all give advice on how to make it sound better or ask questions about certain parts of the essay. The questions help me realize if I'm not being clear enough or that the person who read it is an idiot ;). The only problem I have is that when my husband tells me something about my writing, I get so mad because he doesn't understand how hard it is to start writing in the first place. He may even just tell me that I forgot a period somewhere, or I don't make sense. It still makes me mad even if he is right, how dare he?! I should be perfect in his eyes and that includes my writing. lol. It's weird how that happens. I know a lot of us can take criticism from a professor or fellow classmate, but when it comes to our spouses, mothers, sisters, or brothers it just doesn't count. Anyways, good luck to all with your essays and I look forward to reading some of them.