Friday, May 21, 2010

Greatest Academic Challenge (which is also just my greatest challenge)

I'm sure a lot of online students have the same challenges. Time, jobs, housework, and family. My greatest challenge out of all of these selections is family, more specifically my two boys. My husband works two jobs so that I don't have to work and can focus on getting the best grades I can. What he doesn't realize is that just because I'm home all day doesn't mean that I can just study and finish school work whenever I feel like it and we get into arguments about it all the time. My boys have been unusally time-consuming these past couple of weeks. First one got sick, then my youngest decided to catch it and had a hard time getting over his infection (took two weeks). Then the beginning of this week our pressure to the hot water decided to give out. Follow that with having to take my oldest to the dentist (by the way, my son hates and is scared of the dentist) for a follow-up and then two days later back to the dentist so he can have his chipped tooth fixed and retainer re-glued. That happened today and it was no picnic, it took me and two other dental assistants to hold him down so they could finish. Getting the water heater fixed was also no fun, the repair was scheduled for after my sons terrifying dentist appointment and lasted three hours. All that needed to be done was a routine draining that was eight years too late (I know, I am the worst about keeping up with house maintenance but the kids are fed and clothed).
Anyways, as like must of my alumni (did I say that correctly?), my greatest academic challenge is figuring out how to manage my time but a lot of times, the kids decide when I can work on school and when they need me. My children are the most important thing in my life and when they need me, school can wait. It is just unfortunate that school work tends to pile up and consumes me! LOL


  1. I am confused. You say your husband works two jobs so you do not have to work, but it sounds to me like you work really hard, both with his online business and his children and keeping the household functioning, as well as going to school!

    You work.

  2. I agree but for some reason he doesn't always see it that way because I don't leave the house...he's just burnt out

  3. Oh girl, it seems like you just can't catch a break! I know how it feels to have people think that just because you go to online school, everything is so easy. WRONG! Not only do you have to get good grades in school, you also have to do everything else at the same time. I know a lot of people doing online school (myself included) have a full time job and most also have kids. I hope things get better for you soon. Take care and keep your head up high girl!
