Friday, May 14, 2010

What would I do?

I have never had the experience of someone claiming the work that I have done as their own. I'm sure that this would make me very upset, depending on what it was. If it was an essay on a certain subject, (let's say childhood obesity), I gave a friend a copy so they could help edit it, and I find that it's been publicly published, that would make me very upset. I would have to confront the person and ask what were they thinking?! If I can prove that I wrote the essay, I definately would send the proof to the publishers and ask for a statement saying that the author was me and not the other person.
Now, if this situation was something that happened at work, say a proposal for something, and a co-worker took that idea from me. I would be even more upset. This person is taking my hard work and trying to climb that corporate ladder with my ideas. I again would find proof that this idea was mine and get it to the boss. I mean seriously, give credit where credit is due.
The last situation I could think of is for homelife. My husband is trying to run a business and work two jobs all at once. He doesn't have time to take pictures, write descriptions, and post his products to ebay. So I have to do this for him. The business is in his name and any money made goes to his business account which I can't touch. This should make me upset that he is getting credit for selling, but I'm just helping out until he gets more time. Now, when we are out with his family and they ask how is business is doing and he goes on about how this or that is selling or how hard it is, I don't keep my mouth shut. I am doing all the work and for some reason him acting like it's all his doing is quite upsetting. That has happened maybe twice. He has learned that he needs to mention the work I do or his stuff doesn't get done. lol Never make a wife mad or that's the end of us being the woman behind the man.

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