Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Uh-oh...week 6

These six weeks have gone by fast for this class. I had totally forgotten that a first draft was due by the end of this unit. I swear I meant to start my paper last week but like my last blog said, my kids determined when I would be able to do my school work. Between sick kids, dentist appointments, and fixing water heaters time has slipped past me. I have had no time to work on my draft and now I fear that it will become a stressful situation trying to get it done on time so that I will be able to post on the discussion board before Saturday night. I have learned a lot during the last six weeks. Having three classes this term was quite a challenge, especially since two of my classes require essays almost every couple of weeks. I have come to realize that this college thing is no easy task and requires a lot of focus and dedication. I am glad that during some points of the day I am able to focus on school, sometimes I wish it could be more but I take what I can get. Anyways, good luck to all of you who read this on a writing a great essay!


  1. Do not fear, believe it or not more than one of us was caught unaware of the project being due this week, in Seminar tonight almost everyone is quaking in their boots. We have made a commitment to this class and we will do well!!

    A humorous quote for you today.

    Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. Charles Schulz.

  2. Ha, ha, Marie. Sometimes, all you can do is have a good laugh to relax. Then you can work again. It seems draft and final project deadlines are always following a holiday weekend. I do not know how the KU calendar manages this! Theoretically, no one should have to work for 3 days this weekend. However, I realize most students will have to work on their drafts. Just know that after next Tuesday, I will be working 24/7 on reading and giving feedback on the drafts, if that is any comfort!
